Witam na moim blogu poświęcony niczemu innemu, jak TROLLOM!
I to nie tym internetowym podróbom!
W realnym świecie jestem, jak widać Mikołajem, natomiast jako troll nazywam się Skýrr
(dla uproszczenia Skyrr)... Medżik! No dobra...
Więc na tym pro blogu będę spamił takie tam o trollach, ich świecie, języku, zachowaniach itp.
A tu zdjęcie zainteresowanego jak widać Skrymmera z Finntrolla...Będzie też spam Finntrollem, Korpiklaani i ew. piratami, ale to będzie taki dodatek... Więc "blodtörstig kristna bröder" do dzieła!
Welcome to my blog devoted to trolls!
And not the internet copies!
In real life I'm Mikołaj (Claus), but as a troll I am Skýrr (simple - Skyrr)... So...
On this blog I'll be writing about trolls, their world, language, habits etc.
Who's interested in raise hand...
There's a photo of interested Skrymer from Finntroll above... I'll also spam with Finntroll, Korpiklaani and pirates... So hold on and... Bye!!
P.S.I'm sorry for my little mistakes in texts, but i'm not a master in english... :p
Welcome to my blog devoted to trolls!
And not the internet copies!
In real life I'm Mikołaj (Claus), but as a troll I am Skýrr (simple - Skyrr)... So...
On this blog I'll be writing about trolls, their world, language, habits etc.
Who's interested in raise hand...
There's a photo of interested Skrymer from Finntroll above... I'll also spam with Finntroll, Korpiklaani and pirates... So hold on and... Bye!!
P.S.I'm sorry for my little mistakes in texts, but i'm not a master in english... :p
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